The letters ‘CE’ appear on many products that are traded in the European Economic Area (EEA). There are 27 member states of the EU and European Free Trade Association. The CE marking attests the verification by a manufacturer that products meet EU safety requirements. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to carry out the conformity assessment. Conformity assessment testing was performed by CCQS UK Ltd. www.ccqs.co.uk
This Atlas lift (structure and hydraulics) has been tested and has passed the CE conformity requirements. Atlas lifts sold in the USA and Canada use a different power unit than those required by CE. CE requires an electrical control box (with solenoids) that actuates the hydraulic power unit.
Electric power units supplied with above ground lifts in the USA and Canada do not require the electronic control box; therefore the power unit was not tested to CE approval requirements. If you have questions relating to the power unit supplied with your lift, please discuss these with your salesperson.